Wolfgang Hartauer
The qualified carpenter and trained architect, who freely admits he likes to work with his hands, went freelance in 2014 with his design firm Interior Things based in Holzminden. The central theme of his work is creating clear designs and order through passion and precision. Thus also arose “Meterware”, his desk and wall tray system. True to Hartauer’s intent, a design that urges: “Take me in your hands and move me!” Powder-coated aluminium profiles hold stylish wooden or felt trays.
Everything fits, nothing catches, it’s all playfully experiential and accessible. Sensuous, tactile and precise, all at the same time. Asked what he will do in the next life, Hartauer is quick to respond: become a watchmaker. Surprising? Not really, rather the logical consequence of his approach to aesthetics and order, and truly befitting of him.