Andree Weißert
In 2009, Andree Weißert founded the studio saw in Berlin after twelve years of design research and practical experience as a builder, designer and project architect. In addition to providing consultancy, planning and project management services to commercial and private clients, Weißert continues to develop design solutions, prototypes and objects in his studio. Weißert is driven by his fascination with the potential that slumbers in any given space, his passion for design, the sheer pleasure of creating and – last but not least – a whole lot of ideas.
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Dipl. Ing. (FH) Andree Weißert 1975: Born in Itzehoe / Schleswig-Holstein / Germany 1997–2000: Apprentice carpenter / builder Since 2000: Self-employed tradesperson, planner and designer 2002–2007: Student of architecture at HafenCity University, Hamburg 2006–2007: Employee at Sauerbruch Hutton – Architects / Berlin 2007: Diploma (Learning from Circus) 2008–2009: Contract architect for projects at Sauerbruch Hutton architects / Berlin 2009: Founding of saw