Split Chair
Poetry of construction
The Split Chair is a reinterpretation of classical tubular steel furniture based on modern technologies. Through the combination between high-tech and low-tech, the latest 3D laser technology and traditional tube bending, a construction has been created that combines simplicity and material efficiency, in a poetic manner. The frame made of powder-coated steel tube and the seat made of felt padded, sturdy saddle leather make the chair comfortable and sturdy.

(*1980 in Baden-Baden) ist eigentlich Kommunikationsdesigner. Im Jahr 2006 – noch während seines Studiums an der HTWG Konstanz – arbeitete er im renommierten Designbüro Integral Ruedi Baur et associés in Paris.
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In Berlin begann er, autodidaktisch erste Produkte zu realisieren. 2010 folgte die Gründung seines Büros Daniel Lorch Industrial Design, später kam auch die Produktmarke L&Z hinzu. Lorch gestaltet seither preisgekrönte Leuchten, Möbel, entwickelt Projekte im Bereich Industrie- und Ausstellungsdesign.
Daniel Lorch
Daniel Lorch (born in 1980 in Baden-Baden) is a qualified communication designer. Before receiving his degree from HTWG Konstanz in 2006 he worked with the well-known design firm Integral Ruedi Baur et associés in Paris.
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In Berlin he started designing his first products autodidactically. In 2010 he founded his company Daniel Lorch Industrial Design, later adding the brand L&Z. Since then Lorch has designed award-winning lighting and furniture as well as working on projects in the fields of industrial and exhibition design.